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SBCERA Website

SBCERA Launches New Website to Better Serve Its Members & Stakeholders

May 6, 2020

This year, the San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) is marking 75 years of service to our members. As we pass this historic milestone, we’re heading into the future with the launch of our new website­—specially tailored for those we serve. Our new site will also help us more effectively provide you with the latest updates and information, with many of our services currently shifting online due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).


Alameda Case Update—Oral Argument to be held on May 5, 2020

April 20, 2020

On April 15, 2020, San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) received notice of the date for the California Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in the case known as Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association et al. v. Alameda County Employees’ Retirement Association and Board of Retirement of ACERA (S247095) (“Alameda”). The Court set oral argument for May 5, 2020. On that date, the Court will hear issues concerning several pay items for legacy members of County Employees’ Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) systems.


Investment Update in Response to COVID-19

March 30, 2020

SBCERA members and employers,

We want to reassure you that despite these turbulent times and markets, your pension has mechanisms and strategies to protect your income, now and in the future. Since the initial spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we have seen a global economic stress and related volatility in markets. This has undoubtedly challenged the pension industry.


2.00% COLA Approved

February 6, 2020

The SBCERA Board of Retirement has approved a 2.00% Cost-of-Living Adjustment for retirees and beneficiaries, effective April 1, 2020. Any members who retire on or before April 1, 2020, will receive the COLA and the increase will automatically be included in benefit payments beginning April 30, 2020.

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