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SBCERA Reports Preliminary Net Investment Return for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year

July 28, 2022

The San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) announces a preliminary -0.06% net return on investments for the 12-month period that ended June 30, 2022. Assets stood at $13.4 billion at the end of the fiscal year.

In this last year, during a time of global economic stress, our long-term strategy has shown resilience. The global turbulence in the markets related to inflation concerns, rising interest rates, and supply chain fragility has been challenging for all funds, and SBCERA was no exception.


Life After Retirement

Member News - June 2022

These periodic electronic newsletters are designed for retirees and beneficiaries. You’ll find our latest news, highlights, and educational resources to help support your retirement planning.  


Journey to Retirement

Member News - June 2022

These periodic electronic newsletters are designed for active and deferred members. You’ll find our latest news, highlights, and educational resources to help support your retirement planning. 


Investment Update

April 30, 2022

We continue to have strong returns over the last 12 months, but there’s been some recent turbulence in the markets in 2022 related to inflation concerns, rising interest rates, and supply chain fragility. SBCERA earned an 8.4% return on investments for the 12-month period that ended April 30, 2022. (The 8.4% is “net of fees,” which means that we’ve already subtracted all costs associated with the investment—like management or transaction expenses.) We also strongly outperformed our policy index by a staggering +10 percentage points.


Life After Retirement

Member News - March 2022

These periodic electronic newsletters are designed for retirees and beneficiaries. You’ll find our latest news, highlights, and educational resources to help support your retirement planning.  


Journey to Retirement

Member News - March 2022

These periodic electronic newsletters are designed for active and deferred members. You’ll find our latest news, highlights, and educational resources to help support your retirement planning. 


SBCERA Takes Action to Divest Russian Investments

March 3, 2022

At its meeting on March 3, 2022, the SBCERA Board of Retirement voted unanimously to divest from Russian-related assets now and in the future. The Board took this action in response to Russia’s recent military invasion of Ukraine and directed staff to divest existing assets as soon as practicable and withhold future investments in Russian holdings until further notice. 


2022 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

This year’s 2.0% Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) will be effective April 1, 2022. The SBCERA Board of Retirement approved the COLA for Retirees and Beneficiaries at its Board meeting on February 3, 2022.


Looking Ahead to 2022: A Message from SBCERA’s CEO

December 29, 2021

As we reflect on this last year, I am full of gratitude for our team here at SBCERA and for our partnership with all of you—our valued members and public servants who serve our San Bernardino communities.  There’s no doubt 2021 has continued to challenge all of us as we’ve navigated the pandemic for the second year in a row.  But I want to assure you that our commitment to your retirement security and to serving you has never wavered.


SBCERA Receives Polaris Awards for Exemplary Public Relations Efforts

November 10, 2021

The San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) is honored to be the recipient of three Polaris Awards from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) – Inland Empire Chapter for exemplary public relations efforts in our Strategic Communications Plan, eNewsletter Campaigns “Journey to Retirement” and “Life After Retirement”, and Retirement Consultation Guide.


2021 Board Election

Ballots are on their way.  Here’s what you need to know.

The following three seats on the SBCERA Board of Retirement are open for election this year:

  • General Member Trustee
  • Safety Member Trustee
  • Alternate Safety Member Trustee

SBCERA Receives Recognition for Excellence in Financial Reporting

November 4, 2021

San Bernardino, CA – The San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) has been awarded by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for our Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and an Award for Outstanding Achievement for Popular Financial Reporting for our Popular Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020.


Life After Retirement

Member News - October 2021

These periodic electronic newsletters are designed just for SBCERA retirees and beneficiaries.  You’ll find our latest news, highlights, and educational resources to help support you in retirement.  We want to make sure this newsletter covers topics that matter to you, so please share any feedback and suggestions with us at


Journey to Retirement

Member News - October 2021

These periodic electronic newsletters are designed just for members like you.  You’ll find our latest news, highlights, and educational resources to help support your retirement planning.  We want to make sure this newsletter covers topics that matter to you, so please share any feedback and suggestions with us at


2021 Member Engagement Survey


Soon, you will be receiving an invitation by email to participate in our upcoming member engagement survey.  We wanted to share a little about the survey and why it’s important.

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