Advisories provided by SBCERA. Each of these are available as PDF documents.
Special Tax Notice Regarding Plan Payments and Federal Income Tax
Special Tax Notice Regarding Plan Payments and Federal Income Tax
Fact Sheets
Informational fact sheets on specific SBCERA-related topics. Each of these are available as PDF documents.
Forfeiture of Benefits Fact Sheet
Effective January 1, 2013, all public employees convicted of a job-related felony are subject to pension forfeiture, without exception, pursuant to Government Code section 7522.74. The law requires the forfeiture of all accrued rights and benefits in any public retirement system by any public employee convicted of any felony, as of the earliest date of the crime, for conduct arising out of or in the performance of his or her official duties, in pursuit of the office or appointment, or in connection with obtaining salary, disability retirement, service retirement or other benefits.
Retirement 101s
The Retirement 101 series include one page documents that help explain specific topics related to SBCERA’s benefits and services.
- 5 Differences Between Refundable and Nonrefundable
- Choosing and Updating Beneficiaries
- Divorce and Your Benefit
- Factors Used to Calculate Retirement Benefits
- Final Average Compensation (FAC)
- Difference Between Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit
- How to Apply for Retirement
- Reciprocity
- Taxes and Your Benefit
- When Should I Retire
- Retirees Returning to Work
- Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)
- Advantages of a Defined Benefit Plan
- Death Benefits for Active Members
- Service Credit Purchases
- Read more
In SBCERA’s continued effort to easily explain the complex information related to pensions, our retirement experts have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and answers to those questions.