


Our participating employers play an integral role in securing their employees’ retirement benefits. Participating employers provide SBCERA with the employee demographic and payroll data that allows SBCERA to calculate retirement benefits and run the retirement system. The employers also transmit the retirement contributions that SBCERA invests to pay retirement benefits.

Continuous improvement in our communication efforts to our employers is a top priority for SBCERA. We embrace transparency and engagement, and plan to increasingly use technology to deliver service and valuable information.


Employer Contribution Rates

SBCERA retirement benefits are funded through contributions paid by participating active employers, members, and earnings from SBCERA investments. Employer contribution requirements are determined by periodic actuarial valuations under state law, conducted by actuaries. The Board of Retirement reviews and sets contribution rate increases or decreases on the basis of these studies each fiscal year.


Employer Video Library

This video library is a valuable resource, and focuses on our continued commitment to inform and educate our participating employers.

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