SBCERA retirement benefits are funded through contributions paid
by participating active employers, members, and earnings from
SBCERA investments. Employer contribution requirements are
determined by periodic actuarial valuations under state law,
conducted by actuaries. The Board of Retirement reviews and sets
contribution rate increases or decreases on the basis of these
studies each fiscal year.
View the current employer contribution rates below.
Contribution requirements shown are the employer required
contribution only. Figures do not include the member contribution
or any cost sharing.
Current Rates (effective date listed in flyer)
FY 24/25 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 1
FY 24/25 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 2
Note: Rates are effective June 29, 2024,
for most SBCERA employers, except at the following employers:
Barstow Fire Protection (June 23, 2024), CSAC and SCAQMD (June
24, 2024), and Law Library (July 1, 2024). Survivor Rates:
$.91 ($.98 for Law Library)
Upcoming Rates
FY 25/26 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 1
FY 25/26 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 2
Past Employer Contribution Rates
Dated Information for Historical Reference Only
FY 23/24 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 1
FY 23/24 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 2
FY 22/23 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 1
FY 22/23 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 2
FY 21/22 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 1
FY 21/22 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 2
FY 20/21 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 1
FY 20/21 Employer Contribution Rates Tier 2