Upon termination of
employment with a participating SBCERA employer, you
can choose to “defer” your retirement and go on deferred
membership status if:
- You have 5 years of service credit and are vested, or
- You are employed by another public employer and are eligible
to establish reciprocity.
- Your employment status changes from a full-time position to a
part-time position and you no longer contribute to SBCERA.
Types of Deferred Membership
Deferred Vested Member – A member who
is vested but no
longer employed by a participating SBCERA employer. They have
elected to leave their contributions “on deposit” with SBCERA and
retire at a later date when they are eligible and ready to begin
receiving their lifetime retirement benefit.
Deferred Reciprocal Members - A member who
is no longer employed by a participating SBCERA employer who
elected to leave their contributions “on deposit” with SBCERA and
successfully established
reciprocity with an eligible public retirement system.
Interest Earnings on Your Contributions
As a deferred member, your contributions and interest on
deposit with SBCERA continue to accrue interest. The interest is
credited to your retirement account twice a year in June and
December. The interest is based on SBCERA’s actuarial assumed
rate of return (7.25%) or the six-month Treasury bill rate,
whichever is lower. The interest is applied as of the last day of
the prior six-month interest crediting period. For example, if
your account balance on June 30th was $1,000 the interest
would be credited to this $1,000 account balance at the end of
the six-month period on December 31st.
View my account balance and interest earned
Access to My Contributions
You cannot borrow from your
SBCERA retirement account. However, if you are a deferred
vested member you may refund your refundable contributions and
interest. A refund would end your membership with SBCERA and you
would no longer be eligible for a monthly lifetime retirement
benefit. If you are a deferred reciprocal member, you cannot
refund your contributions and interest. They must remain on
Eligibility for Retirement
To retire and begin earning your lifetime retirement benefit you
must meet one of the following age and/or service credit
requirements. If you are deferred reciprocal member, your
reciprocal service credit can be used to meet these requirements:
Tier 1 Member (SBCERA membership date
is prior to January 1, 2013)
Age 50 with at least 10
years of service credit. If you did not reach 10
years of service credit as an active member, you will become
eligible to retire on the date when you would have had 10 years
of service credit had you continued to work for a participating
SBCERA employer.
- At any age with 30
years of service credit or more
for General Members.
Or, 20 years of service credit or more
for Safety Members.
Tier 2 Member (SBCERA membership date
is on or after January 1, 2013)
General Members at age
52 with at least 5
years of service credit.
Safety Members at age
50 with at least 5
years of service credit.
Am I eligible to retire? View your first
eligible date to retire in mySBCERA.
Returning to Work
If you return to work for a participating SBCERA employer in a
position that qualifies for SBCERA
membership, you can once again become an active member of
SBCERA. As long as you were vested, you will be placed in the
membership Tier you were in previously.
Deciding to Retire
Your retirement benefits do not automatically begin once you
become eligible to retire. You must apply
for retirement with SBCERA. If you are a deferred
reciprocal member, you must retire concurrently from both or all
public retirement systems on the same date. Please be sure to
notify all reciprocal agencies of your intended retirement date.
Based on the Internal Revenue Service’s guidelines, you cannot
stay in a deferred membership status after the age of 70½. If you
have not retired by this age, SBCERA will notify you regarding
your options.
Important: If you die while you are in a
deferred member status with SBCERA, your beneficiary(ies) will
receive a lump sum return of your retirement contributions plus
interest as of the date of death. No additional death benefits
are offered to your beneficiaries.
Keeping Your Information Up-to-Date
SBCERA sends you regular correspondence throughout the year
including the Quarterly Review newsletter and an annual
member statement around July of each year. Therefore, it
is important you notify SBCERA of any changes to your name or
address. To do so, complete an Address/Name
Change Request form. If you would prefer to receive these
materials electronically, you can sign up for
eDelivery. In addition, please update
your beneficiary. You can verify whether all of this
information is up-to-date by logging into